Nesessity for the Collective to free our own heart. As Collective we have one heart and one dream: the dream of freedom. High dimensional perspective on...
Experience of the human consciousness through concept of duality. The game of 3D version of reality is the game of playing with our own shadow, creating from energy of our own shadow. When we start to play, to create from the light aspect of our own consciousness, we...
Telepathy as communication tools with your own Higher self. How to recognize it? Stages in telepathic communication as stages of your own evolution. ‘Becoming’ consciously your Higher...
How we can easily manifest happiness and joy as our reality. We are unable to manifest in the outside world what we do not already have within. We manifest from an emotional state of being. The outside world is only a projection of your inner state of...
Naar mijn werk kun je vanuit verschillende perspectieven kijken. Ik ben healer en ik ben channel. Maar wat betekent dat? In deze video leg ik uit hoe ik werk. In deze video leg ik uit hoe channelen werkt en praat ik over het multidimensionale perspectief en...