+31 6 51 02 88 67

Co-creatie, re-ascension en je Hogere zelf

Je bent een co-creator van je eigen werkelijkheid, alles is in feite een co-creatie. Als menselijk Collectief heb je perfecte omstandigheden voor jezelf gecreëerd die als katalysator voor je eigen evolutie werken. Je manifesteert voor jezelf situaties, gebeurtenissen,...

Ascension symptoms- part 2

Ascention symptoms: crown chakra activation, ears whizzing, skin itching, disconnection from the game of 3D version of reality, reconnection with light / love...

Ascension symptoms- part 1

Physicala ssimilation symptoms. Physical pain and explanation. Change of sleeping pattern. Loss of memory. Different experience of time. Changing priorities. Manifestation upgrade. Food preference. Change of...

Message from the White Dragon

Nesessity for the Collective to free our own heart. As Collective we have one heart and one dream: the dream of freedom. High dimensional perspective on...

Shadow and Light Aspects of Your Own Consciousness

Experience of the human consciousness through concept of duality. The game of 3D version of reality is the game of playing with our own shadow, creating from energy of our own shadow. When we start to play, to create from the light aspect of our own consciousness, we...